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Buying Action Re-Opened

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 18, 2016 | 10:28:00 AM

Learning Investment09 - 1990'an last decade cigarette ads with the phrase "How Low Can You Go," to illustrate how low the nicotine content of their products in which competitors can not be considered his inferior. Likewise, the picture is in the stock market in 2009. The shock of the financial crisis in the United States swept the trillions of US dollars from the stock exchange. Wall Street Journal on March 9, 2009 edition makes the headlines of the day, "How Low Can Stock Go", describes the conditions at the time as the worst since the Great Depression era.
Seven years have passed since the market is at its nadir, March 9, 2016 with a record of the current $ 14 trillion value of the shares has been returned and pushed the index Standard & Poor's 500 rose nearly 200%. Currently, the anxiety began to permeate the investors. Confidence them down, that the market will be able to continue to climb. These concerns are based on corporate earnings that are still disappointing, slowing economic growth and uncertainty over China's stance with regard to interest rate policy. Investors eventually secured themselves by pulling their funds out of the stock market in the rate of speed that had never occurred before. As a result, during the past 18 months, the index S & P 500 was only able rose by 0.5% only.

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Referring to the previous history, the traditional view of addressing these events with more cynical. So that the market does not collapse, and could last longer then the investor attitude is very reasonable. The market is too strong impetus gains, typically killed by excessive confidence. Furthermore, it would be difficult to find. Market participants now been seized with a feeling pessimistic, skeptical and unsure to put their funds in stocks where the position they have in the high prices that have not previously been encountered. Of course, this will be more interesting, conflicting sentiments will form concerns these stocks were able to climb.
This concern can be seen from the flow of funds out of the stock market. In the last 12 months investors have issued at least $ 140 billion, two-fold greater than the peak current capital outflows in the same period when the global financial crisis. Interestingly, these stocks will tend to move up some time later after a large flow of capital out. In a note, since 1984, there are 12 times the incidence in which recorded outflows occurred and six months later an increase in stocks. The moment than a dozen of these, only twice irregularities pattern. S & P 500 index generally rose by 7.1 percent, according to Bloomberg research.
How much lower the stock will go down, almost all could have guessed it would not decrease the price. At least the feeling skeptical that the market will be difficult to climb, could consider going back reversal of the market. With patterns that previously occurred, at least in one half of the future will be price re-increases. Of course this will be an opportunity for investors who are brave enough risk, risk appetite, entry after making sure that the fall in prices will not be much longer and the market will be ready to turn around directions.
In the last 7 years, the sectors stocks in the Consumer Sector Top Gainers are, most prominently, followed by the financial sector, industry, technology. These three sectors trooped price increase. Sector Utilities, Telecommunications and Energy occupies a position protruding performance over 7 years. Considering the track record of this increase, investors have the option to drop on which sector is very potential to go up at least in one semester to the next year.
2016 begins with a disappointing performance, the first six weeks was recorded as the worst performance in the history of the US stock market. Stock moves 2% either up or down. But since mid-February, Bearish pressure seems to have turned into an opportunity for buying back, buy back. Some issuers it is worth re-considered by promising good performance this year.

The financial sector is still regarded as the source of the birth of the financial crisis in February 2008. In fact yesterday, they lead the reinforcement of the market from the ground up. Investors are still blaming the sector is catastrophic. Last year, this sector could generate at least $ 228 billion on the stock S & P 500. In line with the improvement in the market, this sector was also recovered. As a result, sectors that were formerly hated, such as energy and mining, also appear to be ready will be a favorite of investors back. The declining trend (Bearish) has opened the doors of buying back.

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