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Taming Derivative Through Strengthening Clearing Council

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 18, 2016 | 10:18:00 AM

Learning Investment09 - Global policy makers re-focus their attention on critical issues unresolved, keeping placement risky position in derivative products can not shake the financial system as a whole. Eventually they find a good way out, so easy with measures to safeguard it could also threaten them back anyway.
Looking back at the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008 ago, proved applicable derivative transactions out of control. That said, some of the perpetrators of which make huge bets, without preparing yourself if there is a risk if the position they have chosen is wrong. AIG insurance for example can not fulfill its obligations of about $ 50 billion in debt-related derivative products, it’s resurrection almost dragged some major banks of the world.

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In reply, the stakeholders rules then reaffirms one of the main character, a clearing house. Clearing houses located midway between the broker and collect a variety of assurances from each of its members. The United States has moved derivative contracts were very active to the clearing center, this step is followed by Europe. Ultimately, the clearinghouse will play a more important role in maintaining the appearance of systemic risk, through restrictions on profit tipping can be made by banking, investment management institutions and investors in general.
However, clearinghouses also presents risks that could be sustained as well. If a crisis that could lead to bankruptcy which exceeded the collateral risk placed, they also have to use a little of its capital to absorb losses. More than that, they will be subject to a guarantee fund that previously paid cash and then demanded money from a financial institution which is a major client, where all the requests made during the crisis period in an effort to prevent the spread of this pressure everywhere. If the sources of these funds are not enough, the government will intervene and act to prevent a larger collapse occurred.
Indeed clearing houses is very important to be allowed to collapse, and the current rules governing the management of the risks they are also too weak. At least funds must guarantee covers approximately two large main, but the clearing house is allowed to decide how much cash we really need - and how much capital of their shareholders should be deployed to absorb the first losses occur. The amount of the contribution of shareholders really means a lot, by reason of fear of losing the incentive should be prudence in setting conditions for collateral is required as the main thing.
Several large clearing firms such as JPMorgan Chase, Pimco and BlackRock have been aware of this deficiency, I wonder if the stakeholders of global rules also plans to involve them also in this year. Greater transparency and certain capital requirements would be a good start. Regulators should also be open on the stress-test for clearing institutions as they do on the banking of the bank, and had to ask them to disclose sufficient information to assess the quality of their risk management (this process appears to have started at this time). Including some researchers have suggested that shareholders kontrobusi-contribution funds must be used to ensure that should be larger than the current provision of 3% in both clearing institutions in the United States or Europe.

In the end, the derivative is still required and not as a "weapon of mass destruction" - Warren Buffet so often call. Derivatives can make better market and provide something useful for hedging efforts, for in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations and incentives that are applicable in place. (Lukman Hqeem)

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