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7 Movies About Trading And Finance

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 | 2:28:00 PM

You're bored trade forex or stock trading? Nothing wrong with a short break and find inspiration by watching a movie about trading forex, stock, or films related to financial companies and the economy. Make no mistake, a little know-quality film about the life of a trader who managed to be nominated for the prestigious film awards in the world. Instead of curiosity, let's consider some reference title that could be enlightening for those forex traders who are learning or being bored.
1. Inside Job (2010)
The film is regarded as a phenomenal movie about the financial crisis and of course, already widely recommended. Inside Job won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature in 2011. Starring Matt Damon, Inside Job successfully recounted how the situation superpower, the United States, when hit by the global financial crisis in 2008 and dismantle the conspiracy and betrayal that is the cause of the crisis.
This film shows how the chaos of his financial transactions on Wall Street at that time with the graphics and animation are quite interesting. Inside Job will open knowledge among traders like us about how the correlation between derivatives with the collateralized debt obligation (CDO) through interviews with politicians, journalists, as well as the frontman of the financial industry.
2. Wall Street 1 (1987) and Wall Street 2 (2010)
In the first movie in 1987, Wall Street is about a young stockbroker impatient, arrogant, and greedy Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas), who would do anything to gain an advantage and a high position. As a result, Gekko also have languished in prison for four years for illegally caught a case of trading with the help of insider information in the company. All owned Gekko was eventually lost his career and his family fall apart since he was in prison.
Well, in the sequel, Wall Street tells the life Gekko after coming out of the hotel without cost. Winnie (Carey Mulligan), Gekko's daughter, hated his father because he thought his father was the cause of his brother's death on greed problem used to be.
Although his personality was more wise and tender after getting out of prison, Douglas were again chosen portray Gekko, managed to maintain a strong character despite Gekko greed transitioning into a more positive aggressiveness. On Wall Street 2, the Gekko told met a young stockbroker, Jacob Moore (Shia LaBeouf) who proved to be a lover Winnie.
Moore was finding out who the mastermind behind the death of his teacher who contributed in his career on Wall Street. Gekko and Moore was eventually an agreement. Gekko helps Moore to receive such information, while Moore helps Gekko to repair his relationship with Winnie father.
3. The Big Short (2015)
This movie is the latest drama genre film about the financial crisis of 2007-2009 has just been released in December 2015 and then. Although both tell the condition of the world financial crisis, The Big Short differ from Inside Job for The Big Short studded Hollywood veteran actors and packaged in a lightweight and inserted smart jokes even make the audience still have to think.
In addition, The Big Short better highlight the problems of the financial crisis caused by the housing credit crunch. Narrated, Area property investment in 2007 is still regarded as the most promising investment to increase in value from year to year.
All investors flocked to invest their money in this sector for inedible waffle speculators in general. But Michael Burry (Christian Bale), has a different view by speculators in general. Burry, who works as a hedge fund manager predicts that someday, the property sector will collapse and cause a crisis.
People hard to believe the predictions Burry, so Burry challenged to ask the bankers bet betting platform made specifically for real estate mortgages. If the price of the property was not waver, Burry lose and have to give money to the participants of the bet, otherwise if predictions Burry proved, he will rich.
4. Boiler Room (2000)
Boiler Room's movie tells the story of students who dropped out of college so he decided to work in an investment company in the suburbs. Their position is as a stockbroker with all targets. The tenacity of the former students were bearing fruit.
They became rich, but unfortunately, they are not strong faith so entangled problems due to greed. Almost as much as the Wall Street version of 1987, the greed that brought miserable. The main character Boiler Room, starring Ben Affleck and Vin Diesel. Some are comparing Boiler Room with Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo Di Caprio. The difference, Wall of Wall Street has been more violent and abusive.
From this film, viewers can also learn a lesson about the sales strategy and know clearly what to say to someone who offers a great investment opportunity to you. Acts of fraud in this movie is still happening in the real world today. Making it suitable for your daily work as a salesman or interested in investing activities were great.
5. Margin Call (2011)
For forex traders, the title of this film may sound awful, Margin Call. This film tells the story of what happened at a large company in the early days of the financial crisis of 2007-2008. The film is a slow one, so it's best if you first understand the issues that emerged during the crisis.
J.C. Chandor, director of this film, managed to invite the audience to see the metaphor of the fall of an investment bank. When the young analysts see a problem with financial companies, the senior workers spent about 36 hours to determine the future of their company. (See also: Understanding Forex Margin Call In)
Interestingly, the director of this film is the son of an executive at Merrill Lynch, so he was able to deftly explores the ethical and moral dilemmas faced by each character to deal with the CEO of the company charismatic but sinister. Chandor effort is supported by actors and actresses, including Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci and Paul Bettany.
6. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
The Pursuit of Happyness is suitable for you who was hit by financial problems. Suitable for solace after being hit by loss. Appointed from the real story of a prominent stock broker, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) who started out in the stock is not intended. Starting from selling medical equipment to suit all bone scan behavior, Chris encountered many problems. He had spent all their money to buy up the bone scanner, but did not think sales will be difficult, many times he was rejected by the hospital so that the financial crisis of the family.
Nevertheless, basically Chris is a figure that persistent and unyielding. He remains optimistic scanner bones will be sold, while his wife could not bear life of deprivation was left Chris and his son. Chris was very fond of her, so she continues to struggle to find a buyer that bone scanner. Sedentary rented, fighting sleep at the shelter, up to sleep in the toilet ever did station.
His introduction to a successful stockbroker changed everything. He also accepted an unpaid internship at a stock broker with the condition should be able to collect most clients to qualify for a permanent employee. Chris continues to struggle despite some acts of discrimination in the company. Perseverance, persistence, and a pleasant personality of Chris Gardner fruitless. He went on to become a permanent employee in the company, and then succeeded in establishing its own broker.
7. Too Big To Fail (2011)
US economic crisis in 2008 seems indeed open up a lot of inspiration for the film. One more is Too Big To Fail. In this film, the performance of the US Treasury Secretary at the time, Henry Paulson, into the public spotlight because of the crisis comes from the stalled housing loans, almost similar to the idea promoted by The Big Short.
In that year, major financial firms collapsed, including Lehman Brothers. Whereas before, the companies believe that they are too big to get bankrupt (too big too fail). Paulson so great responsibility required to resolve this issue. He took the initiative to hold a discussion with CEOs of financial giants like Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase to lift America out of the crisis.

The Finance Minister also draw up a program to save the company the largest mortgage lender in the United States, the Hope Now Alliance program to rescue Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Unfortunately, this crisis was already creeping everywhere including to Wall Street. Paulson receives input from the President of the Fed's New York region to merge investment banks hit by the crisis. The program is a dilemma because on the one hand successfully stabilize the bank but it has created more unemployment. Film director Curtis Hanson is an economic thriller because it illustrates the seriousness of the situation.

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