Learning Investment - The secondary market is a
continuation of the primary market after the company's release of its shares in
an IPO. Once listed on the stock exchange, which means that the company's
shares can be freely traded by the public, according to the number of supply
and demand. Buying and selling shares in the secondary market was held at the
Indonesian Stock Exchange. You can buy shares through a securities broker or,
for example, using software online stock trading. Now, the secondary market is
divided into three, namely the Regular Market and Cash Market Negotiation.
• Regular Market. Shares in the
Regular Market traded in the trading unit "lot", where 1 lot now is
100 sheets. Stock transaction bargaining mechanisms which take place
continuously during the trading period. So, arguably the stock price could change
continuously every time.
• Negotiated Market. Almost similar
to the way trading on the regular market, no bargaining as well but did not do
in the stock exchange market. Price bargaining is conducted privately, but
remains under the supervision of the exchange. Market negotiations usually
chosen when the number of shares the investor does not even 1 lot (100 shares).
The results of the negotiations to be agreed by the exchange.
• Cash Market. Exactly the same as
on the regular market, which differ only payment system. On the regular market
transaction settlement is T + 3 (three days after the transaction), the payment
system in the cash market T + 0 be done the same day. Cash Market are available
to complete failure of the Exchange members to fulfill their obligations in the
Regular Market and Negotiated Market. For example on short selling