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Go Public Processing

Written By Unknown on Monday, February 29, 2016 | 11:16:00 AM

Learning Investment - Go Public or often called the Public Offering is offering activities undertaken by the company to the public (public). By offering shares to the public, then the company will be listed on the stock exchange becomes a public company / open.
There are several processes that must be passed by the company to go public, among others:
1. Preparation
This stage is the initial stage in order to prepare everything related to the process of going public. At the earliest stage, companies need to conduct the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) for approval of the shareholders in order to go public. After the approval, the company subsequently appoint underwriters and other agencies to help the process of going public.
• Underwriter (Lead Underwriter). Is the most involvement in helping the company in order to issue shares. Activities undertaken underwriters include: preparing various documents, helped prepare the prospectus, and to guarantee the issuance of shares of the company.
• Public Accountant (Independent Auditor). Assigned to conduct an audit or examination of the company's financial statements.
• Assessors to assess the company's fixed assets and determining the fair value of fixed assets.
• Legal Counsel to give a legal opinion (legal opinion).
• Notary to make the deeds of amendment, deed of agreements in the framework of the public offering and the minutes-meeting minutes.
2. Stage Filing of Registration Statement
At this stage, companies submit an application to the relevant institutions (the Financial Services Authority or FSA)
3. Stage Stock Quotes
This stage is the main stage, because at this time the issuer offered shares to the public (public offering or IPO in the primary market). Investors can buy shares through agents designated sellers. Keep in mind also that not all desires are met investors in buying shares of companies that will go public. For example, shares released to the primary market of 100 million shares while investors who want to buy the entire amount to 500 million shares. Then there are oversubscribed (oversubscribed). To be fair it is usually done allotment (allotment).
4. Phase Recording Stock Exchange

After the completion of the sale of shares in the primary market, then these shares were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Investors who did not get on the primary market, can be purchased on the secondary market in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

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